Information on Kalman K. Brattman (K. K. Brattman)
and the Holocaust Survivors Network

To obtain further information, we recommend that you go to the following links.

These sites posted an article written in 2006 by journalist Jonathan Tilove, of the Newhouse News service, exposing the website. The article is entitled, "Dachau Survivor's Reputation Wanders Turbulent Terrain of the Internet." The article refutes the attacks on Holocaust survivor Solly Ganor and others.

Kalman Brattman rape case: Commonwealth v. Kalman K. Brattman, March 18, 1980 – September 30, 1980, Middlesex County.

Brattman vs. Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, October 2, 1995 – December 12, 1995, Suffolk County.

Solly Ganor Remembrance. This is a wonderful website that tells the history of Solly Ganor and the Holocaust. This is well worth a visit.

This is a link to the website about Eric Saul, curator of the “Visas for Life: The Righteous and Honorable Diplomats” exhibit.

This is a website created by Eric Saul, Executive Director of the Institute for the Study of Rescue and Altruism in the Holocaust.  The website will provide comprehensive information on the rescue and relief of Jews and other refugees from the Nazis and their collaborators during the period of the Holocaust, 1933-1945.

This is a website developed and curated by Eric Saul, documenting Jewish rescuers of the Holocaust.

This is a link to an interview by Solly Ganor on the documentary, Sugihara: Conspiracy of Kindness, released by the Public Broadcasting Corporation in the United States.

This site is a compilation of essays by Holocaust Survivor Solly Ganor on the website of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
The late Dr. Stephen Feinstein, of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Minnesota, included Kalman Brattman’s website on a list of "Unreliable Web Sites." He wrote: "We do not recommend these sites. Warnings should be given to students writing papers that they should not use these sites because of denial, support by an unknown organization, or contents that are a strange mix of fact and opinion…"

Robert Kim Bingham’s website honoring his father, diplomatic rescuer Hiram “Harry” Bingham, IV.

This is the website for the Southern Institute for Education and Research at Tulane University, Lance Hill, Ph.D., Director. They have a fine Holocaust project that has come under scurrilous and unwarranted attack by Kalman K. Brattman and the website.

The website attacks Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, for defending Solly Ganor. Please see these links for the website of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Museum of Tolerance, and for a description of Rabbi Cooper’s activities with the Center. Rabbi Cooper is one of the outstanding rabbis and Jewish activists in the world today. One of his principal missions is fighting hate on the Internet.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website.

Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority website.

Kalman Brattman attempted to add malicious information to Hiram Bingham’s Wikipedia entry. He did this using his usual aliases and anonymous websites. The Wikipedia editors quickly discovered his identity and deduced his motives. This is the link to a discussion of this matter.

Smithsonian Magazine (Smithsonian Institution) article on Hiram Bingham, IV, “Saving the Jews of Nazi France,” by Peter Eisner, March 2009.